Company of heroes 2 okw useless without fuel
Company of heroes 2 okw useless without fuel

company of heroes 2 okw useless without fuel

These claims are false, and the naming of the faction is purely for flavor. Disclosure regarding the faction namingĪs you have already notice, the OKW faction has been renamed to Waffen SS (Schutzstaffel), which was a was a major paramilitary organization under Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Nazi Germany, and later throughout German-occupied Europe during World War II.ĭue to the decision of the first developers of the mod to make this change, someone might say that this mod supports Nazi ideology or their ideas, that is a Nazi mod, that it supports Axis, etc. This is mainly for 1v1 and 2v2 games, as anything bigger than that is frankly boring. It is also a subjective guide, meaning you shouldn’t follow everything in here to the letter.

company of heroes 2 okw useless without fuel

It explains the basic non doctrinal roster of the Waffen SS (Also known as OKW in vanilla), and how to effectively play it.

  • Flakpanzer IV/3.7cm “Ostwind” / Ostwindĭisclaimer- This is a guide on the faction in the realism mod called “Sperhead”, most recent version of which can be found here- –.
  • Sonderkraftfahrzeug 234/2 “Puma” / Puma.
  • Sonderkraftfahrzeug 250 / 250 Halftrack.
  • 7.5 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 40 / PaK 40 AT Gun.
  • SS-Stoßtruppen / Stosstruppen / Stormtroopers.
  • SWS Supply Halftrack / Schwerer Wehrmachtsschlepper / Tier Truck.
  • Volkswagen Typ 82 Kübelwagen / Kübelwagen.
  • -Tier 0- Feldhauptquartier der Waffen-SS.
  • company of heroes 2 okw useless without fuel

    Disclosure regarding the faction naming.

    Company of heroes 2 okw useless without fuel